Installed in Bierghes in the Senne valley, the Gueuzerie Tilquin is the only gueuze blendery in Wallonia. A gueuzerie, or Geuzestekerij in Dutch, is an enterprise where Gueuze ‡ líancienne (or Oude Geuze) is blended.
Freshly brewed worts are purchased from different producers in the region (Payottenland and Brussels), and pumped in oak barrels for fermentation and ripening, during 1, 2 or 3 years. The lambics obtained are blended and bottled to give, after 6 months of refermentation, the Gueuze Tilquin ‡ líancienne, which has 6.4% alc / vol and is available in 37,5cl and 75cl bottles.
Gueze – Lambic Style
The bottle version is called “Oude Gueuze Tilquin ‡ líancienne” and is 6.4% alc/vol (it is either in 375ml or 750ml), and the draught version is called “Gueuze Tilquin on draft” and is 4.8% alc/vol.
Availability: Year round • ABV:4.8%
Oude Quetsche – Lambic Fruit Style
A spontaneous fermentation beer obtained from the fermentation of destoned fresh purple plums (variety Prune de Namur or Quetsche vÈritable díAlsace, close to the Damson) in a blend of 1 and 2 years old lambics for a period of 4 months. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, it is re-fermented in the bottle for a minimum period of 3 months. The lambics used were fermented and matured in our own oak barrels at the blendery. They are made from worts brewed by Boon, Lindemans, Girardin and Cantillon. The taste is slightly tart but also fruity and round which makes this Quetsche ‡ líancienne may be more accessible for non-experts or less sophisticated palates. It also has a slight dryness from the skin of the plums. The nose perceives a plum brandy perfume.
Availability: Year round • ABV:7.0%
Rulquin – Sour/Wild Ale
This is a higher abv version of the Oude Gueuze Tilquin containing the blend of 1, 2 and 3 year old lambics in oak barrels. Due to over-carbonation, the beer underwent a second barrel aging process before being bottled a second time.