Against The Grain Brewery

Based in Kentucky, Against The Grain is Louisville’s premiere brewer owned and operated brewpub, offering an exciting and innovative line up of world class beers, as well as a fresh and local approach to smokehouse fare.
On Instagram, Twitter, & Vine: AtGBrewery


Citra ass down and crush this beer! This is a very hop forward American style IPA. Brewed with Pale, Vienna, Munich and wheat malt for a solid base for all American hops, focusing mainly on the variety “Citra.” Citra hops are a relatively new variety introduced in 2008. It was bred as a hybrid of a number of different hops, including Hallertauer Mittelfrüh, U.S. Tettnanger, East Kent Golding, Bavarian, Brewers Gold, and other unknown hops. The resulting hop, Citra, has a distinct citrusy and tropical fruit flavor and aroma. In Citra ass down we used American Columbus for bittering and 11# of Citra at the end of the boil for late kettle addition flavor and aroma. Then we added 6 more pounds Citra and 5# Centennial post fermention for aroma. Rebrewed for your tasting pleasure!

Availability: Limited • ABV:8.0% • IBU:68


Ahh Dey Ahh Dey, RRRRico Ahh Dey Ahh Dey Saaaauvin! An India Pale Ale featuring Nelson Sauvin hops. Named after the Sauvignon Blanc grape, is a variety of hop developed and grown in New Zealand. It has a strong fruity flavor and aroma that is described as resembling white wine, or fresh crushed grapes or gooseberries. Some reviewers of this hop perceive the fruitiness as being very tropical with descriptions including passion fruit, tangerines, and grapefruit. Let it be known that Rico is out for one thing….to be inside you.

Availability: Limited • ABV:7.6% • IBU:68


Caution: so good it WILL make you shit yourself!!!! The brown ale to end all brown ales. Enjoy it, because there is no longer any reason to drink another. You’ve reached the pinnacle. A healthy blend of traditional British malts give this popular style a semi-sweet, biscuity, slightly roasted flavor. Oats thicken the mouthfeel, and a handful of specialty malts add complex chocolate, toffee, and caramel notes. The hops are mostly traditional, earthy British hops, but we cocked it up a bit with some Cascade late in the boil just to show those snooty Brits that we don’t approve of that Constitutional Monarchy crap.

Availability: Limited • ABV:5.0% • IBU:20


We’re putting in a swimming pool!  And if there’s enough left over, we’re gonna fly you all down here to help us dedicate it.  Not your typical ‘Jelly of the Month Club’ milk stout.  Silky, smooth, and sweet, this stout is worth the $35k, but you can only have a little ‘cause the rest is ours!

Availability: Year round • 5% ABV

A Beer

Walk up to the bar and what do you ask for? A Beer, naturally. It doesn’t always matter what it is, or what you want in this case. You want something light? We’ve got A Beer for you. You want something hop forward? We’ve got A Beer for you. You just want to camp out on that bar stool and crush something? We’ve got ABeer for you. We’re only marginally apologetic that it’s not kettle soured with Mosaic & Amarillo hops. This is better. This is a straight forward, refreshing extra pale ale utilizing the newest varieties of German aroma hops (Hallertau Blanc & Mandarina Bavaria). Call it a session IPA if you need, call it a pale ale if you prefer, hell, it doesn’t matter what you call it, what matters is that you stop talking about it and throw ABeer down yer gullet.

Availability: Limited • ABV4.2% • IBU: 42

Sho’ Nuff

Availability: Limited